Installation at Errant Sound part of the series IN THE SOUND FIELD – Perspectives on Field Recording
The object – an old radio – plays recordings, made sitting in a cab in
2004 during a work trip to Kabul. Simultaneously it transmits the sound
over the air via a radio transmitter. They can be picked up by other
radios next to contemporary radio programs. Distances both time wise and
location wise become important.

Georg Werner – Bikes Breads Car – Radiophonic Kabul
IN THE SOUND FIELD – Perspectives on Field Recording
Laura Mello »Rosa dos Sons / Sound Compass (Spaces #2)«
Jeremy Woodruff »Sonic Permaculture: Reverberations of the Urban Garden with Performance for Action«
Peter Cusack »Aral Sea Stories«
Georg Werner »Radiophonic Kabul«
Alessandra Eramo »3 Places where I can sing: Songs for Valparaìso«
Ines Lechleitner »Looking for Voices«
Mario Asef »Sozio-Phonon«
Lasse-Marc Rieck (Gruenrekorder, Frankfurt): Lecture
Georg Klein »Le Due Forze di Taranto«
Kirsten Reese »Sound Cards«
Errant Sound, Kollwitzstr. 97, 10435 Berlin